Thursday, December 11, 2014

Testing Fur

I want movements for my character's furry body but nothing too extreme like boiling which creates this effect that looks insect-like. So with Hilary Moses's suggestion I've create a texture loop and composited in After Effects. This will be the look I go for.

The Fur

Composited with character

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Shot List Progress Never Final

So from my last post that I thought my animatic is done, I lied haha. Here's another altered version, and there will probably be another one as time goes by. Nonetheless, it's getting closer and closer to what I want, it won't change drastically from now on but will still have some little fixes.

Password: ECU411

Getting Advice

In the process of improving my animatic as well as part of the requirement I've met with two faculty for advice and feed back.

The meeting went as follow:

Friday, November 21, 2014

Production Schedule, 25% and Stereo Stuff

So I have set up a weekly production schedule in order to make my life in order, ha.

As for the last curve of this term my 25% aim is broken down to week by week until my panel on Dec 1st. Overall is to get the key-framing down.

The very good news is that from advice of many professional I am able to find the right technique to convert my film from 2D to Stereo 3D. If you have red-cyan glasses put them on!

First start with the original image.

Make the depthmap to determine the near and far.

Generate Left image 

And then right.

Combined the left and right image and yay, 3D!

Still need more perfection but we slowly getting there.

Friday, November 14, 2014

Shot List

After my animatic has finally (sort of) settle I've decided to make a shot list as well as begin to compile my animatic in to individual scenes.

It's all color-coded according to the progress, going by this order: Started, Key-freamed, Animated, Color, Shadowed, Composited, Done!

Most scenes have been started though it's a looong way to go.

Also here's em, we'll call him bean.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Moving Forward

With the animatic now in a more solid shape I'm moving forward to production!

These are shots from scene 2 that I have begin to key frame.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Some More Concepts

I've been consistently working on concept artworks to bring my film closer to it's finish look.

Things Starting to Move!

Here is a sketch scene for my opening. There will be much confusing camera moves to follow.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Animatic (Is it final?!)

After fixing and re-boarding, more story fixing and sound adding--this should be the closet to the final.

The password is ECUAD

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Oh Animatic

These last couple of weeks have been the week of animatic-ing. Shaping the story and trying to steer it in the right direction. What has happened from various comments is that I have re-design all my characters to depict more of the world inside the main character's head where everyone is basically an extension of its self. One day I will find the day.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Eye Candy

I've been coloring different scenes throughout the story in order to figure out the color progression and mood. It really helps in controlling the different tension points in the story.

And also here's the main character.


Tension Chart

So now I'll know when things should get really scary or really calm, yay. 

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Treatment and Some Concepts

Here is the treatment for my grad film.


And here are some pretty concepts, huhu.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

A New Start

It's been a long time since I have touch this huge project. As the saying goes time changes things and yes, after much pondering, doubting and more pondering I have come to a conclusion that...I'm no longer going to produce my film as a stop-motion short, it will now be hand-drawn.

And the story completely changes as well.

It's disappointing to see all the work from previously went to waste, but I do feel better. As much as I love stop-motion, I realize the skill I do not possess to create such an ambitious story and visuals. Letting go is part of the process. 

It won't, however, become that easy. There are still many obstacles to cross over, no technique of animation is easier than another and on top of animating a full 2D film (plus some stop-motion scenes...not letting go 100% here) I will also research on making it in stereoscopic--fun fun fun. 

More post to come on story and look development.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014


I've changed the setting of my story and so now the two creatures no longer live in a house but in a laboratory-ish room, filled with jars of specimens of the outside world that they've never experienced. As for the look of the outside world I am inspired by Fantastic Planet

Food design for BO food fantasy scene.

Also here's a little lip syncing test.

Neurons! from Natty Boonmasiri on Vimeo.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Some Concept Arts

I'm trying to figure out the color palette inside the house. It needs to be dull to give the mundane vibe but also have to possess warmth, like a safe sanctuary. It's a nice limbo I guess.

Also these are some of the animation style that I would like to achieve, there are stop-motion ones and       2D ones.