Friday, November 21, 2014

Production Schedule, 25% and Stereo Stuff

So I have set up a weekly production schedule in order to make my life in order, ha.

As for the last curve of this term my 25% aim is broken down to week by week until my panel on Dec 1st. Overall is to get the key-framing down.

The very good news is that from advice of many professional I am able to find the right technique to convert my film from 2D to Stereo 3D. If you have red-cyan glasses put them on!

First start with the original image.

Make the depthmap to determine the near and far.

Generate Left image 

And then right.

Combined the left and right image and yay, 3D!

Still need more perfection but we slowly getting there.

Friday, November 14, 2014

Shot List

After my animatic has finally (sort of) settle I've decided to make a shot list as well as begin to compile my animatic in to individual scenes.

It's all color-coded according to the progress, going by this order: Started, Key-freamed, Animated, Color, Shadowed, Composited, Done!

Most scenes have been started though it's a looong way to go.

Also here's em, we'll call him bean.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Moving Forward

With the animatic now in a more solid shape I'm moving forward to production!

These are shots from scene 2 that I have begin to key frame.