Wednesday, January 22, 2014

The World is Forming

The world has now form itself and the creatures crawl out of oblivion. This is only just the initial design and things might change, but the basis of this world is that the surrounding seems to levitate and  the environment transform rapidly from one climate to another. Travelling in this world can be illogical as physics doesn't follow the usual rule. And of course, creatures. 

I have also invest in solidifying my two characters, giving them the base characteristics, behavior and some things they might say. What I would like to investigate is how the relationship of the two characters changes, starting off with the little one being all scared and frantic and the big one always needing to calm it down. Then there will come a change, a significant situation that will freak out the big one, in which it will be the little one turn to calms him down instead. 

Nevertheless story is still the main focus for me at the moment, because with a good script other components will fall along. Creating a good story is not easy so I have been discussing with several people to gather up some ideas. One of the people I have been talking to is Hilary Moses (check out her in-production animated film here and the facebook page here), in which she has given me great advice on some aspect I should consider about my film and help me to realize what my film is. Here are some points I have decided on my films.

- It's a journey story
- The goal of finding "The Thing" will not be said out-right but suggest by the characters actions
- Key turn points of the story will be told in a subtle way
- Random children innocence will be hid around
- There will be some grotesque imagery as appropriate

Currently there's one scene that I would like to create for this class. Hopefully it will make a good introduction to the final film.
The characters are in a laboratory, apparently walking around looking for something. The little one (LO) got really excited and runs to grab a glass jar filled with pulpy looking creatures.

LO: Neurons! Neurons! They are so bewildering!

The big one (BO) stays silent, when suddenly he hears a high pitch melodic voice and looks around. LO is now in a panic and running around.

LO: I feel tummyless and chilly in my spines!

BO grabs LO's horn and sit LO down and calms LO by rubbing it's head. The two then follow the sound through a hall way. They emerge into a vast cave-like room, within resides the Oracle Fish Blob (OFB).

OFB: Ffffff, the flowers are suffocating under the ground and the rainbow is the color of death. 

OFB keeps on announcing mystical nonsense before exploding with jolliness.

I had a fun recording session with Jamie Yano and Kieran McCarthy who voiced LO, BO and the OFB. They are awesome at making cute and weird noises and coming up with random sentences. 

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